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Response to the G7 Research Compact

The leadership of both the Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative (G2MC) and the International HundredK+ Cohorts Consortium (IHCC) wishes to express its strong support for the objectives put forth in the Research Compact from the latest G7 Summit in Cornwall, UK, that took place from June 11-13, 2021. The ethos in the Compact is shared with our own vision and goals. We hope it bolsters our core values and the resolve of our members.

Our organization shares a vision of transparency, and assurance that our research findings, solutions, and data are as accessible as possible. We all strive to ensure an inclusive and diverse environment, and we cannot succeed in our goals without raising the voice of diverse populations, closing the gender gap, and making certain that our solutions reach underrepresented communities.

The G7 Research Compact plans to “Investigate how open science practices help achieve increasingly robust, reliable and impactful research outcomes.” To ensure the transparent sharing of information, the G7 hopes to accomplish this by “improving the availability, sustainability, usability and interoperability of research data, technologies, infrastructure and services.” Our alignment with these statements will help to ensure renewed faith in our ability to be successful in our science and its applications.

The post-covid world is a great unknown. What all of us ultimately share, however, is a sense of optimism going forward. Not just with words and platitudes, but with actionable goals. We wanted to share the G7 pact with our members who might find inspiration in our mission going forward.

Read the original G7 Statement


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