FHH Flagship Project: Ongoing Efforts and Collaborations

The Family Health History (FHH) Flagship Project continues to meet monthly and has made significant strides toward its goals. Here’s a quick recap of recent developments:

Manuscript Publication

The project team is actively seeking funding to publish a manuscript detailing the 11-step process for implementing FHH in clinical practice. The group is currently exploring potential avenues for publication support.

Step 4 Exploration: The team is delving into Step 4 of the 11-step process, which focuses on identifying and assessing current methods of FHH data collection. Members are sharing their experiences and insights on the availability and capabilities of FHH tools, clinical and technical knowledge gaps, and language barriers.

Hemoglobinopathy Focus

The project is exploring the role of FHH in addressing hemoglobinopathies and is preparing a manuscript for publication. The team is actively reviewing existing questionnaires and interview questions to inform the development of a comprehensive FHH tool for this specific condition. Collaboration with the Global Globin Network (GGN) is underway to further advance this effort.

Resource Center Development

The FHH algorithm database repository is under development as a pilot of the Resource Center. The project team is dedicated to creating a comprehensive platform for FHH resources, including algorithms for risk assessment and clinical decision support.

CDC Collaboration

The G2MC FHH group has been approached by the US-based CDC National Family Health History group, to provide feedback on their draft document “Implementing Family Health History (FHH) Guidelines in Clinical Practice using Electronic Health Records (EHR).” This document aims to assist public health officials and healthcare providers in integrating FHH into their practices.

Interested in getting involved with the Family Health History Flagship Project and its activities?

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