G2MC Announces New Project: Clinical Forums

To better streamline our efforts and maximize our impact on patient care, G2MC has restructured its implementation initiatives. We are excited to announce the launch of the Clinical Forums Flagship Project, designed to accelerate the integration of genomic medicine into clinical practice across a wide range of disease areas.

This strategic shift establishes a collaborative framework for focused research and knowledge sharing. Our existing Rare Genetic Disorders Flagship Project will now become the Rare Genetic Disorders Forum within this new structure, retaining its original mission and objectives.

In addition, we are pleased to introduce the Epilepsy Forum, a new initiative dedicated to advancing the understanding and management of genetic epilepsies.

The Clinical Forums Flagship Project will serve as an umbrella for future forums focused on specific disease areas such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, autoimmune disorders, and more. Interested in leading a new disease-focused forum? Contact ludy@g2mc.org to learn more.

For an overview of the new structure and functional group objectives, as well as to join any of these groups, please visit the G2MC Functional Groups webpage.


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