G2MC Flagship Project Updates

Family Health History Flagship Project

The Family Health History Flagship Project has published a webpage to provide continuous updates and engage the community in efforts being carried out by the group. In order to advance the project’s mission, the group is planning to use the website and other outreach materials to engage groups outside of G2MC in partnerships and projects. Additionally, three Young Investigators with a focused interest in genealogy and family health history have been identified to assist with and lead activities within the group. As part of the January 29 Family Health History Flagship Project Breakout Session, these Young Investigators will participate by discussing their needs around family health history in their countries.

Pharmacogenomics Flagship Project

The Pharmacogenomics Flagship Project has been exploring opportunities with the Evidence Working Group on ways to demonstrate existing evidence in the field of pharmacogenomics.  Additionally, the project will focus efforts on the need for generating harmonized guidelines for pharmacogenomics in clinical use – an area that is already under exploration but can potentially be advanced further through the efforts of the flagship project group. These initiatives will be discussed further during the January 21 Pharmacogenomics Flagship Project Breakout Session.  

Rare Undiagnosed Diseases Flagship Project

The Rare Undiagnosed Diseases Flagship Project is working towards implementing evidence-based exome sequencing for the diagnosis of rare uncharacterized and undiagnosed diseases in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Following the May 2020 G2MC International Meeting the group put out a call for LMIC sites interested in participating in the project, resulting in 16 sites from across 4 continents expressing interest. Collaborative measures are being put into place for information sharing and the establishment of guidelines to get the sites appropriately set up. The group is in the process of securing additional financial and in-kind support, and plans to also seek collaborative opportunities with G2MC Working Groups and pharmaceutical groups outside of G2MC for participation. An overview of current activities and steps moving forward will be discussed during the January 26 Rare Disease Flagship Project Breakout Session. Learn more about the Rare Undiagnosed Disease Flagship Project


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