GGMC Forms

GGMC Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Core Committee
Nomination Form

Thank you for taking the time to nominate a colleague, or nominate yourself, for a leadership position with the Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative (GGMC) – specifically on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Core Committee.

We are looking for 1 additional co-lead for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, and 2 Early Career Investigators (ECIs) to work with them on leading and implementing the activities of this committee. Please indicate for which position you are nominating yourself or someone else when prompted in the form below.

The GGMC is dedicated to ensuring our leadership teams are built on the continuity and of participation by qualified and globally represented members and we are very appreciative of the careful consideration that you have put into this recommendation.

Please complete this form, choosing if you are nominating someone else (please provide your contact information) or nominating yourself. The Secretariat will be in contact with the nominees to collect their personal statements prior to the Leadership review of nominee submissions. Thank you again for your time and consideration!